Tuesday, July 17, 2012

My Busy Nest...Farmville application

 Im back! I have been a little too busy and lazy lately. It has been 5 months and it still feels like we have just moved. I am not done arranging things yet and it seems like forever. Everytime I turn around there are still tons to do and more mess to clean. My house is still a chaos!

While everyone hits the road and head toward the beach.......

 We have been busy with our microfarm....

Those are corn behind her.

On her right are lettuce plants. They are already bolting.
We have giant pumpkins too!

After...but not ready yet.

The pumpkins are supposed to be in the fence!! We didnt know how big they are gonna be until we saw how huge the leaves were! It was just a TRIAL vegetable garden. Atleast we know that the soil is good and suitable for planting!
I told hubby to make me a lil vegetable box bcoz I figured it will be easy to maintain. Then when I went outside after a couple days, he is digging a big 'ol section of dirt!!!! I ended up with a big garden which I helped him plant and he maintains...

 Raising quails.... (And it is so amazing to watch them hatch!)

We took a video of one of them hatching.

I think there's 8 of them on hubby's hand.
1 or 2 day old quail.
 Hubby decided to raise quails for his love of kwek-kwek. (I will make a different post for that recipe)
Size of quail egg
Our first set of quails
Our small brooder box (small fish tank). From incubator we transfer them here.
The big brooder box (90 gal fish tank). When they get a lil bigger we put them in this one so the lil ones dont get trampled on.
The incubator, with a hatching area where they can get food and water after coming out of their shell.
The inmates in the big brooder.
We had a hard time finding Jumbo Quails. We heard about Bird Expo in LA, Drove there and picked-up some more.
Our newest hatchling is blonde! From the tan Hens we got @ the Bird Expo.
The Quail hen's are laying 5-8 eggs a day.
We are also raising a couple chickens.....
When they were still chicks.

This is them now.
That is a naked neck turken...Hers died that is my son's turken.
A Naked-neck Turken.
She looks like an ostrich, doesn't she?
My daughter messing with the turkey.
.......And a turkey, which was named "DINNER" by the kids.
She's very tame and would come to you when you snap your finger.
I do not know if hubby will ever have a heart to butcher her for Thanksgiving :(
 We are also going to try to breed finches....
We also got them from LA fairflex BirdExpo.

So far we have harvested...
Left: Lettuce of different kinds                     Right: Spinach
Lots of Corn.
Dried Peas
My daughter helping daddy.
Getting peas out of dried pods.
Grape harvest.
....A friend came over and picked-up some of our bokchoy and leeks too...
Plus I have broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, onions, tomatoes, bell pepper to harvest still!
It's a little bit work. But the garden is bountiful!! Helps stretch your budget.
We spent summer nights outdoors BBQ'ing whatevers...Smores, Burgers, Hotdogs etc....
We also welcomed a NEW PAWmily member!
Meet Queen.
We named her after my royal dogs Duke, Prince & King.
We're pretty busy huh?!
How are you keeping yourself busy this summer?
I am sure you are all having a blast and finding different activities for your family!
Have fun beating the sun!


Myric said...

That quail hatching from the shell is the coolest thing!

Unknown said...

@myric andreasen

For some reason my video's incomplete....i updated it! you can watch the whole thing now!

About me

FIRST NAME?    Luisa May   WHO WERE YOU NAMED AFTER?    No one, My Aunt named me WHEN DID YOU LAST CRY?    Palm Sunday, Potter...