Tuesday, February 7, 2012

MERGE Google+ And Blogger/Adding Linky Follower widget

I have just merged my Blogger Account with Google+ due to the upcoming change in GFC (Google Friend Connect). 

I am very new to blogging and I am not in the Flow of this yet. To loose the blogs I follow would sadden me, I love reading their blogs and looking at their amazing creations. 

To me it is like reading a Newspaper in the morning (but I'd much rather read blogs and pin than read how the world and the government is in a mess right now, its quite depressing!). 

I DO NOT want to loose my FEW beautiful followers.

All of this changes in GFC and new ways to get connected made everyone panic and confused.
Specially on how they can save the friends they have kept in touch with for years.

Everyone have put a lot of effort into making each blogs unique, entertaining and informative and we have to KEEP that connection. It takes a lot of time to gain followers and friends afterall. 

Here is to MERGE Google+ and Blogger account:
  1. Go to Draft.Blogger.com/edit-profile.g (if not logged in then login to your Blogger account)
  2. Then click on Get Started from yellow notification box
  3. Edit User Profile - Connect Blogger to Google+
  4. Select the check box the end of the page and click on SWITCH NOW button
  5. Use your public Google+ profile on your blogs
  6. Now they will ask you which all blog of yours you would like to add in your Google+ Profile’s Contributor to box (appears in ride side in your Google+ profile)
  7. Click on ADD BLOGS and if you would not to add any blogs then click on SKIP button
  8. You're now connected to Google+
Now your Blogger profile will get redirect to your Google+ profile, all new comments you will make will have your Google+ profile’s real name and link instead of your Blogger profile, you will also get Author information in search results for your blog.
If you want to use different name in your Blogger profile and Google+ profile and want to continue the same way then you should not switch your Blogger profile to Google+. In case if you did and want to revert back you can do it anytime by going to Draft.Blogger.com/revert-profile.g.

To Add Linky Follower widget on your sidebar:

Heather, Brett & other bloggers created a NEW subsciption platform called Linky Followers. Stop by At the Picket fence to read on the step by step and detailed explanation @ Linky 101.




Anonymous said...

Thanks for your help! This is great info! I'm following on Linky Follower and GFC.

Red Rose Alley said...

I love that "QUOTE" Luisa May. It made my day today.
Love ya sweetie,
~Sheri at Red Rose Alley

About me

FIRST NAME?    Luisa May   WHO WERE YOU NAMED AFTER?    No one, My Aunt named me WHEN DID YOU LAST CRY?    Palm Sunday, Potter...