Friday, July 27, 2012

Sauteed Ground Beef with Quail Eggs

Howdy Ladies! 
It is nice and hot outside, a very beautiful day to spend the day out.
As hot as the my partner's head. 
We just found out that our electric bill is $388!!
We checked the website on w/c hours have the most usage.
From the month we moved here up until this month, the graph kept climbing.

The same appliances plugged in since the day we moved in, is the same ones that are running.
We figured the first couple of months would be highest bcoz that is when we will do some building/carpentry, running table saws, pressure washer etc...


We sat and talked about it this morning and couldn't figure out what's causing it besides the fact that electricity is highest in summer....

It is a mystery yet to be solved...
(If Im still in Manila I would certainly think that our lines have been tapped.)

Now to the main course we go!

Pork Giniling

Sauteed Ground Beef. It is a version of Pork giniling (Sauteed ground pork) but this time I used ground beef mainly because ground beef is commonly used here in US than ground pork. The ground beef (or pork) is stewed in tomato sauce and water to bring out the taste and for additional nutrition we also add vegetables such as carrots and potatoes (sometimes I add green peas, red bell peppers and raisins to make it more nutritious and colorful, but this time i will do it simple). It think this is similar to Pork Picadillo.

It is a  dish easy to prepare.

Pre-boil and peel your quail eggs. (You can also use chicken eggs)

Sauteed Ground Beef Recipe


  • 1 1/2 lb ground beef
  • 1 1/2 cups potatoes, diced (you can also opt this out bcoz you will already get enough starch from the rice which this dish is served with)
  • 1 cup carrots, diced (I prefer shredded)
  • 8 ounces tomato sauce
  • 6 cloves garlic, crushed or minced
  • 1 medium-sized onion, minced
  • 1 teaspoon granulated sugar (optional)
  • boiled eggs, shelled (optional)
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • 1 cup water (if using 1 piece beef, chicken or pork cube) or 1 cup chicken broth

Cooking Procedure

 --Heat a cooking pot and pour-in the cooking oil. Use just a little bit just to grease the pot because the beef will give out a lot of grease as the dish is being cooked.
 --Put-in the ground beef and cook for 5 minutes. Remove excess oil.
 --Put-in the garlic and sauté until the color turns light brown.
 --Add the onions and sauté until the texture becomes soft.
 --Put the carrots and potatoes in then stir until every ingredient is properly distributed. Simmer for 10 to 12 minutes.
 --Add the beef or pork cube, tomato sauce, and water and let boil. Simmer for 20 minutes. (Or add tomato sauce and chicken broth.)
 --Add salt, ground black pepper, and sugar(optional) then stir.
 --Put in the boiled eggs and turn off the heat.

 --Transfer to a serving bowl and serve.
Great with Hot and steamy rice!


 Left over is good for empanada filling!

Im now going back to further investigate this electric matter. I will help the redneck's move the swamp cooler to the dining area (which I dont think will help resolve that problem but whatever!).


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FIRST NAME?    Luisa May   WHO WERE YOU NAMED AFTER?    No one, My Aunt named me WHEN DID YOU LAST CRY?    Palm Sunday, Potter...