Monday, August 6, 2012


Hiyah there!
I feel exhausted today. Lack of sleep is kicking in.
I need to catch-up on my sleep again so I can do the many things I need to clean and organize.

Hubby and I discovered something amazing the other night.
Like his usual daily routine, he'd gather up quail eggs in the afternoon and some just before dark.
He'd put it on the counter so I can wash them before it goes in the fridge.
This time he did the washing.
Some eggs has dirt on them so he had to clean them good.
So he tried rubbing them lightly......
And did you know that those spots come right off when you rub rub rub??!!
I know right! I thought the same! All the while I thought those spots are right there like tattoo on the shells.
BUT NO....cuz's a picture of my husband rubbing off the brown spot on the surface of that quail egg.

When you do hard-boiled quail eggs you would think that those spots should come right off cuz of the temperature and the bubbling of water.

This is how it looks after removing all the spots..
It looks just like chicken egg but super small.
That would certainly make candling the eggs a lil easier. We tried to put one in the incubator to see if it will cause any harm on the eggs (eggs have pores and that is how they breathe).

I'll let you know if that egg hatches!

Goodnight! Sleep tight! Dont let those bedbugs bite!

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About me

FIRST NAME?    Luisa May   WHO WERE YOU NAMED AFTER?    No one, My Aunt named me WHEN DID YOU LAST CRY?    Palm Sunday, Potter...