Thursday, August 9, 2012


Oh! How hot it is!!! 100
It feels like Yuma all over again! (not that I dont like Yuma AZ, but the weather! Summer is SUPER HOT!)

But how can I even complain warmth is always a blessing.
Its a good thing!
Besides that's what the umbrella, fan and ice-cold drink is for.
While we experience the hot summer here in US, the other side of the world is suffering from moonsoon.
My country, the Philippines has just been hit by hard rain and flooding.
While we are all dry here they are all getting wet. rain is pouring hard. 
No one could go anywhere. 
Roads are not passable. 
Before & After: This is one of the wet market near our area. (well now its literally WET!)

This is the general area of where hubby stayed when he visited me in Philippines. That is the underpass of Ayala, Makati.
This is Pre-school next to the Covered Basketball Court                    This is the covered basketball court and is just 4-5 houses from  where                                                                               I live in Philippines. That is a friend of mine on the pic.                                                                           
Even if it is fun walking in the rain (I have many memories of it with friends).
I remember what it is like to be trapped in your house hoping the water will not rise and sink your house.
Just like what happened to my Home Church back in Philippines.
They basically were trapped in the 2nd level of the bldg.
Their front porch is about 2 ft high from the front yard.
View from the 2nd Level (the 2nd Level is the Church)
Church members came to help and built raft so they can go home. Though soaked Pastor's wife and kids managed to still smile for a shot after evacuating their stuff.                                                                                            
The mess the flood left after the water subsided.........                                         And a SNAKE! YIKES!

I even experienced walking in  the rain with the water thigh high (it is unsafe and nasty), but you gotta do what you gotta do to get home.

 I heard the sun is out now for them to dry off......

Anyways!!!! Enough with my weather report!

Today is Crazy hair day at DVBS..
I didnt want to spray my daughter's hair with crazy colors.
I remembered seeing an interesting haircut and I used that for an inspiration.

I think that is crazy enough. dont you think?

So this is what I did to her hair.

 She got a prize for having the craziest hair!

 I hope your day went well.
I cant believe it is almost weekend!
did you do something crazy this week?

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About me

FIRST NAME?    Luisa May   WHO WERE YOU NAMED AFTER?    No one, My Aunt named me WHEN DID YOU LAST CRY?    Palm Sunday, Potter...