Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Simple Valentine Celebration @ Home

I am not one of the many women fortunate enough to splurge on gifts for their loved ones on valentines. I am but a LUCKY stay-at-home wife/mom blessed with family to care for. I am blessed to have a gift of creativity to make something for my spouse. Handmade gifts is totally PRICELESS. The effort on putting together gift and words is far more special than a store bought one....

I woke-up at 4am to start my plan...When my hubby hopped in the shower. I immediately snuck out of the house to take the gift and chocolates in the car, placed it on the dashboard where he can see before he takes off.....and I ran back becoz it's freezing outside. Hoping he wouldn't notice I hopped on  the computer and read the SWEET message he posted on Facebook. 

Out of all the picture...becoz we met online and he was browsing my friend's friendslist when he spotted my profile picture, the rest is history.

I went back into the room and under the sheets before he got done. Then later on he asked if I went out....not to spoil my plan, I used the camera that I left in the trunk for an excuse.

Hey its the thought that counts LOL

He left and came back to leave something for my step-son (an excuse)....He brought me EVERLASTING flowers (artificial LOL he knows I only like one stem but he couldnt fine one)!!!

 Tossed in my kid's bags their suprises.

I gave my handmade pop-up card when hubby came home. I received LOTS of hugs and smooches. He surprised me with CHOCOLATES (Im a CHOCOHOLIC!), a gift.....and got back rub!

I prepared a different menu for the night. I usually do on special occasions.

Pulled pork @ mini-muffin with hershey in the center and home-made strawberry syrup.

Hubby LOVED it and was stuffed.

I try my best with whatever resources I have to take each occasion up a notch...That's just what I am, I love LOVE....I want people around me to feel special and loved... 

Eventhough my Valentine started with a news that my friend MYRIC@PetitesPassions's brother-in-law passed away and I had to send her the message. He died valentines day. It just made me realize that we should ALWAYS show the LOVE to people around us...Not only on valentines or any occasion BUT EVERYDAY. We cannot bring back life and regret we didnt show them enough of our love, or thank them for the opportunity to be loved by them. LIFE is PRECIOUS.......We don’t know whose name God will call next. We don’t know when any of us will be called home. It’s best for us to show our love and appreciation to each other while we can, while we are still alive. Too many times we neglect to do so and live to regret it. So many times funeral wishes are where all the love and appreciation are expressed. Many people don’t know how much they meant to us until they’re dead—we don’t always tell the people we love how much they mean to us until it’s too late.At funerals all the flowers, messages, and tributes written would make any heart melt, but the person who would have appreciated them most cannot read them. It’s always better to express how we feel when people are still alive; then the tributes we write when they die would be just a reinforcement of what they already knew.

 1 John 4:7,8

“Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God.  He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love.” 

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

MERGE Google+ And Blogger/Adding Linky Follower widget

I have just merged my Blogger Account with Google+ due to the upcoming change in GFC (Google Friend Connect). 

I am very new to blogging and I am not in the Flow of this yet. To loose the blogs I follow would sadden me, I love reading their blogs and looking at their amazing creations. 

To me it is like reading a Newspaper in the morning (but I'd much rather read blogs and pin than read how the world and the government is in a mess right now, its quite depressing!). 

I DO NOT want to loose my FEW beautiful followers.

All of this changes in GFC and new ways to get connected made everyone panic and confused.
Specially on how they can save the friends they have kept in touch with for years.

Everyone have put a lot of effort into making each blogs unique, entertaining and informative and we have to KEEP that connection. It takes a lot of time to gain followers and friends afterall. 

Here is to MERGE Google+ and Blogger account:
  1. Go to (if not logged in then login to your Blogger account)
  2. Then click on Get Started from yellow notification box
  3. Edit User Profile - Connect Blogger to Google+
  4. Select the check box the end of the page and click on SWITCH NOW button
  5. Use your public Google+ profile on your blogs
  6. Now they will ask you which all blog of yours you would like to add in your Google+ Profile’s Contributor to box (appears in ride side in your Google+ profile)
  7. Click on ADD BLOGS and if you would not to add any blogs then click on SKIP button
  8. You're now connected to Google+
Now your Blogger profile will get redirect to your Google+ profile, all new comments you will make will have your Google+ profile’s real name and link instead of your Blogger profile, you will also get Author information in search results for your blog.
If you want to use different name in your Blogger profile and Google+ profile and want to continue the same way then you should not switch your Blogger profile to Google+. In case if you did and want to revert back you can do it anytime by going to

To Add Linky Follower widget on your sidebar:

Heather, Brett & other bloggers created a NEW subsciption platform called Linky Followers. Stop by At the Picket fence to read on the step by step and detailed explanation @ Linky 101.



Pound those EXTRA weight......

 My Oh my! Time flew by so FAST!
Lent starts Feb 22... Giving up fast food... Meat on fridays... Whatever Will Help....
I need to create a calorie deficit to lose some weight anyway....I figure it would be a lot easier to cut back on calories a little at a time. Afterall making little changes adds up in the long run....AND Long-term result is what matters.
A friend's friend suggested this website MYFITNESSPAL
 It has all the foods in the data base, calories and all. After about 2 weeks it becomes a habit and you start cutting a ton of stuff out on your own. Sounds Great! I dont have to work TOO HARD!
So I am going to give it a try. 
I sure hope to stick with it this time...
Wish me luck haha!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Apple Pie Baked in the Apple

Its a beautifully fantabulousiciously georgeous day. Yay!
I was going through my facebook updates and this yummy looking pastry caught my eye.

Who wouldn't drool seeing that?! It looks pretty and delicious!!
 How to make it:

You will need 6 granny smith apples, 1 pie crust, 1/4 cup sugar and 1tablespoon brown sugar. 

Cut off the top of 4 apples off and discard. Remove the inside of each apple with a spoon very 

carefully, as to not puncture the peel. Remove skin from 2 additional

apples and slice very thinly. 

These apple pieces will give you filling needed to fill the four apples you are baking. 

Mix sliced apples with sugars and cinnamon in a bowl. If you prefer more or less cinnamon and sugar, 

make adjustments as desired. Scoop sliced apples into hollow apples.
Roll out pie crust and slice into 1/4 inch strips. You can also add a strip of pastry inside the top of the 

apple almost like a liner to add a little more texture/sweetness to the pie. Cover the top of the apple in a 

lattice pattern with pie crust strips. Place apples in an 8×8 pan. Add just enough water to the cover the 

bottom of the pan. Cover with foil and bake for 20-25 minutes. Remove foil and bake for an additional 

20 minutes or until crust is golden brown and sliced apples are soft.

 I am going to try this!!!!

Hope you ladies had a great day!!!!

Bunks for multiples...

A Very Pretty Stylish Bunk bed for your kids.....

About me

FIRST NAME?    Luisa May   WHO WERE YOU NAMED AFTER?    No one, My Aunt named me WHEN DID YOU LAST CRY?    Palm Sunday, Potter...